I rated my self with a 6 in the criterion F.
1.I rated my self with that because I work independently, and I always did my work and I think that I did very good in my project and when we have to work I always did it I always work independently when I was doing my work, I didn't get distracted and when people talk to me I didn't distract myself.
2.When doing my work and project I always use the attitudes of technology so I would do better and I was really into my work I always research on the things that I'm supposed to do and I always knew what I was doing and how to do it, and if I didn't know how to do it I always asked Mrs. Hinojosa.
3.In the time that I was doing my work I always worked hard and really pay attention to it, I also was really dedicated in my work that I think that I did a really good job at it, I work really hard and trying to understand things I didn't know how to do and also how to help others do what they didn't know.
4.When I was doing my work I always try to do it my best and be really enthusiastic and always being happy abut what I was doing and do it correctly and I also always try to make the best of what I'm doing and it didn't matter that I didn't want to do it I always did it and I was always trying to be happy about it so it can be a better work that I know I can do.
5.When I was doing my work and I didn't know how to do it or didn't know if I was doing it correctly I motivated myself to ask the teacher and make a better work out of it. Also when other people didn't want to do their work I try and motivated them so they can do there work and be more happy and motivated about it and also that they would want to do it.
6.When I was doing my work and I didn't know what do and if I was doing it correct I never loss my confidence in what I was doing. I also my other people feel confident when they didn't know if they where doing it okay I make them feel a little more confident in their selfs, and also making sure that everyone was confident of what they were doing.
7.The teacher at the begging of the project she put us deadlines and I always do everything the day it was suppose to be done. I also help other people do their work when it was suppose to be done so they can also meet their deadline, when the teacher told us when it was going to be done I try to do my best and finish everything when it was suppose to be.
8.I always follow my procedures when doing my work and did my design correctly. I also always followed the right procedures and make my work better so my design cycle was done how is suppose to do and be a great project.
9.I always follow the rules the teacher give me. I follow the rules of the design cycle and how we where suppose to do it, and when the teacher told us to do something I always did as she say and follow all the rules that she puts us and do the work how it was suppose to do it so it can be a perfect work.
Thats why I rated myself with a 6 in my criterion F because I always follow everything and I think I did pretty good.