Tuesday, November 15, 2011

10 facts about digital access

  • The internet is the most important access.
  • Elementary students used the computer mainly by going to games or listen to music.
  • Almost all middle school and high school students have access to a computer or just really easy by a cellphone or the new ipods. 
  • Adults access the Internet in various place. Like at home, work, cafe's, hotels, in the car, and a lot of other places.72% of U.S. adults now have Broadband access. 
  • Those who don't get it go to work, public libraries, schools, and as well as on their cell phones.
  • In Australia 74.3 people access the internet but only 22.8 percent of people have broadband access.(http://digiteen2008.wikispaces.com/Digital+Access)
  • There are a lot of digital access countries. These countries are Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, South Korea, Netherlands, China, Finland, Canada, and The United States. 
  • If you are rural, One Third of Rural America Has Access.(http://thepowerofus.org/2011/02/22/digital-divide-digital-equity-and-access/)
  • About 85% can get internet speeds of 10 megabits per second to 25 megabits per second, the map shows, while 50% have speeds available of 25 to 50 megabits.(http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703561604576150691269105816.html) 


  1. theres only 9!!!!!!!! facts and I needed 10

    1. Another fact is some phones have digital access/ internet.
